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My Work Experience at QCS Staffing - Immy Broome

Holly  Stanley our consultant managing the role
Posted by Holly Stanley
Published on 15 July 2024

During the week beginning the 8th of July I was privileged to be able to join QCS Staffing for a week work experience.

As an aspiring solicitor, I spent my week working within the Contract and Compliance Team. I had previously spent time shadowing a judge so was very excited to try something new, working in house and within a commercial setting.

At the beginning of the week, I was provided with an introduction to the QCS Staffing family. During a walk around the office, I was met with great enthusiasm from everyone, excited to share their thoughts and experiences working at QCS Staffing. This enabled me to feel immersed into the culture of the office from the beginning; everyone enjoying what they do individually whilst retaining a sense of ‘one team’ mentality.

First Day

During my first day the team exposed me to all aspects of the C&C team. Initially, Sophie introduced me to the lifecycle of a contract from when a deal is completed to the contract being signed off on. During this first session I noticed immediately the complexity of the type of work the team engage with as despite working in multiple jurisdictions the team retains a high level of accuracy when reviewing contracts. This theme of complexity continued into my second session with Robyn who walked me through the type of work involved in compliance. My first day ended with a session with Megan where we engaged in a discussion as to the ‘grey area’ of vicarious liability within the field of recruitment.

Second Day

Although my first day in QCS Staffing was busy, I entered the second day feeling well supported by the rest of the team. I was able to support Robyn with contract extensions, learning how to use the Bullhorn software. As my degree has a focus on the academic debate within the law rather than its application in real life, I really enjoyed being exposed to the practicalities of working within the legal sector. During the second day I was able to work alongside Bhavna, the team’s manager, where we discussed the intricacies of operating within the US. At the end of the day, I reviewed lease agreements, alongside Megan, which involved a focus on the specific terms of the proposed lease ensuring that it provides for the need of the company as they seek to expand their operations in the US.

Third Day

By the third day of my work experience I felt truly part of the team. I continued to develop my understanding of the software the team use as I reviewed more contract extensions however now I felt more confident thanks to the continued support from Robyn. In addition, I was set my task for the proceeding days, performing due diligence by cross referencing client proposals with framework agreements ensuring continuity between the two. This task enabled me to engage with the sales team, allowing myself to understand how other teams operate. Despite having not worked with the sales team before, they all treated me with a high level of professionalism, answering any queries I had swiftly.

Fourth Day

On my fourth day working in the office, I continued with the task I was set the previous day. With the independence of working on the task, I felt a greater sense of responsibility to ensure that I produced some helpful analysis. Despite some of the team working from home as part of the company’s hybrid policy, I remained feeling supported by them, assisted by the morning and afternoon catch ups which ensured the team remained focus on the tasks ahead.

Final Day

On my final day, I presented my findings from the client proposal task to Bhavna. I gained a strong sense of achievement by being able to provide practical help to the team. A further coaching session with Bhavna cemented how much knowledge the team were able to share with me in only one week. The week ended with me giving a presentation on what I had learnt in the week, providing an opportunity to say a massive thank you to all the team.

Key Takeaways

Although the team ensured I was busy with tasks throughout the week, I still had time to reflect on some key takeaways from my week with QCS Staffing. 

Firstly, I was thoroughly impressed with the fact that the Contract and Compliance Team consisted of all women, somewhat of a rarity in the legal sector! The team dynamic was extremely supportive, pushing each other to reach their potential.

Secondly, I was impressed with extent of different jurisdictional work the team engages with. Having only studied English and Welsh law, this week opened my eyes to the complexities of ensuring compliance whilst engaging with international clients and candidates.

Thirdly, how much the company invests into their people. Whether this is providing language lessons or the growth of the learning and development team, QCS Staffing ensures everyone involved in the operation of the business is invested into.

Lastly, I was inspired with the culture of the office. I often think that company’s values are just buzz words used to make their website appealing however I can truly say that everyone I met during my week represented QCS Staffing's values and vision.