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Energy saving tips: protect your money and the planet this winter

Robert Morrison our consultant managing the role
Published on 27 October 2022

Conserving energy usage in your own home will not only protect your money, but it can also make a positive impact on our planet. Whilst the current energy crisis means a very uncertain winter, and indeed years, ahead for households – there are simple ways that electricity costs can be minimised by making small changes around your home. And by cutting our energy consumption at home, or looking for alternative renewable electricity sources, we can all play a part in the transition to sustainable energy. Here, we look into some tips that can help make a difference to your energy bills and the planet, right now.


Reduce energy consumption

Reducing your energy consumption throughout your household can be achieved in many ways. For example, reducing the amount of times you use your washing machine or turning down the temperature to 30  ̊. Tumble dryers are notorious energy guzzlers, so where possible, avoid using them and instead air-dry your washed clothes. Switching from oven cooking to using much more energy efficient appliances such as a microwave, air fryers or slow cookers can save you almost £300 a year. Many are opting reduce the amount of energy spent by cooking meals every night and instead batch cooking for several days ahead. This way, you can use your oven space efficiently and reheat throughout the week.


Warming your home

Heating your household and water are the biggest hurdles to overcome when saving energy and money this winter. Accounting for 55% of a household's energy bills, this is a significant area that households will be wanting to be smart, minimise consumption and maximise output. Suggestions include cutting down the hours you use central heating, and even turning down the temperature on your thermostat. By reducing your heating just 1 degree, you can make up to a 13% saving on your energy usage and reduce your carbon pollution up to 340kg. The National Grid Electricity System Operator is also introducing a scheme to make electricity used outside of peak hours cheaper – so consider putting the heating on outside of the 5 – 8pm window where demand is at its highest.

Mind your appliances

Understanding how much your appliances are costing you is a really easy way to see where you can cut expenses. Switching off and unplugging the appliances you are not using is a simple but effective way to save money and electricity over time. Turning the TV off to standby mode is one of the biggest culprits for adding to your electricity bill, and by unplugging your appliances you could save yourself over £120 per year. To find out more about what household items to unplug, the Money Saving Expert gives a rough outline of how much each appliance could be costing you here.


Introduce solar panels

Renewable energy is overwhelmingly being looked to as the solution to the current energy crisis and a sustainable, energy secure future. Onshore and offshore wind, solar and hydrogen can deliver power at 50-60% of the cost of energy generated by nuclear, and at a third of the cost of generating electricity using gas. The transition to renewable energy could save the nation up to £8.9 billion annually.

An increasingly popular way to integrate sustainable renewable energy production from your own home is by installing solar panels, removing your dependence on the National Grid and the skyrocketing energy prices. The initial cost of installation can be high, but the payback period is comparably short. Using solar energy is a long-term solution that not only will help energy expenditure, but by championing renewable energy sources from your own home, will make a significant contribution to help reach climate targets.

Other exciting advances in renewable energy mean that there is growing hope for the future - and moving away from costly, unsustainable fossil fuels will benefit our wallets, economy and the planet in the long run. Read here to see how green hydrogen could be the future of sustainable energy.


A renewable energy future – with QCS Staffing

Rising costs mean uncertain times ahead for many households, but there are solutions to help minimise energy costs. Online, there are numerous money and energy saving resources that can help guide you to a less pricey and secure winter. And rest assured, the renewable energy industry is working hard behind the scenes to implement more affordable and sustainable energy source alternatives and build a brighter future for the planet.

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